With his open-minded, enthusiasm characteristics, Dr. Chung in his almost 30 years academic career was accredited as Associate professor, full professor, visiting professor of Renmin U. (Beijing) and was served as Chairman and Dean of BA Dept./Graduate Institute, Provost, Dean of Int’l Affairs Office, Executive Director of Continuing Education Office/EMBA Program. Most of his researches and publications are in the field of international management and Negotiation (conflict management), Along with research grants from National Science Council, he is also a recipient of grants from Ministry of Education to conduct cases studies on Taiwan industry.
His books have showed his professionalism and ideas about technology and innovations, and more about people and culture specifically。Those are including Taiwan SME Management Cases I & II(2020,2022),Infographics (picture) Negotiation ( 2022),ESports Management (2020),The Introduction of ESports (2018) (2018),Negotiation (2017),Doing Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (2009),International Negotiation (2008),Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in a Changing World(1996)。
Dr. Chung is also served as advisor for Yunlin County government, senior lecture at National Academy of Civil Service, member of Evaluation Committee, member of examiners board for civil servants and professional and technical personnel examination, ROC., member of Mainland affairs committee, Yunlin County government, licensed mediator at Taichung District Court, and served as General Secretary of UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific); Board member of National Competitiveness Study Council; Chamber of Commerce at Taichung City Government and Yunlin County Government; National Trade Relief Task Team, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan(ROC).
Dr. Chung received his Ph.D. from Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA and certificates on “Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning Program” from Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA, “Teaching Innovation Based Entrepreneurship Program” from Babson College, USA.
钟博士具有开放、热情的个性。他在近30年的学术生涯中陆续升任副教授、教授,并担任硕博士生导师、企管系/所主任,主任秘书,国际事务长,推广教育中心及EMBA课程主任,中国人民大学及安徽工商管理学院EMBA客座教授,美国丹佛大学客座教授、台湾东海大学及逢甲大学兼任教授。钟博士的研究领域及发表的文章与教学集中在国际企业管理、国际谈判理论与实务、哈佛管理案例、决策分析,他曾于国内外学术期刊,专书篇章及国际会议发表数十篇专业论文。近期发表的专书包含图解谈判学(2022);台湾中小企业管理个案集I&II(2020、2022);电竞运动管理概论(2020);电子竞技概论(中国高教出版社,2018);谈判学(2017);研究方法:质化与量化的探索(2009);国际谈判学(2008);Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in a Changing World(Nova Science,1996)。这些专书不仅呈现钟博士的专业、科技运用与创新,更具有人文的关怀。
除学术工作外,钟博士亦担任云林县政府县政顾问,考试院国家考试典试委员,教育部大学暨技专校院评鉴委员,云林县政府县政顾问,台中地方法院调解委员、国家文官学院、经济部专业人员训练中心、中华电信员工训练所等讲座、管理评论(Management Review)(TSSCI),Journal of Chinese Political Science编辑委员,以及中华民国国家竞争力学会理事等。并曾任亚大大学交流会(UMAP)台湾秘书处秘书长,台中市政府/云林县政府工商策进委员会委员、经济部贸易调查委员会贸易救济咨询团副团长、中华民国危机管理协会理事等。
钟博士为美国丹佛大学国际关系博士,美国哈佛大学商学院参与式个案教学,百森学院(Babson College,USA)创新创业教学结业。