Zhang, Ming-shan, was born in Taiwan, China,who has received a bachelor’s degree in Accounting of Providence University (B.A.), a Master’s degree (M.S.) in Human Resource Development) and an Education Specialist (Ed.S.), in Industrial Education at Pittsburg State University, and a Ph. D. in Human Resource Development of Adult Education at Kansas State University. Once, she served as a professor and Dean of Senior Housekeeper College of Fujian Sunshine University, and Dean of Academic Affairs of Wind Sound Business School of Nanjing Zebra Group, and the Chair of Accounting Department of Transworld University, and the Chair of Recreation and Healthcare Management Department of Chia-nan University of Pharmacy and Science. Also, she was the Proposition Committee and Marking Committee of Higher and General Examination for Civil servants for many years, and Professor of Economic Professionals Research Center, and Head of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Branch of Municipal Government, and the Committee of Taiwan Training for Quality System in Taiwan,China.