Dr. Chen graduated from the Industrial Education Department of Kaohsiung Normal University (KNU). After one year of teaching at Nan-Guang High School, he was served as a teacher at Taitung Teachers College for two years. In order to improve his professional ability, he entered Taiwan Normal University and obtained a master’s degree in education with Research (thesis) Award from the National Science Council. In 1995, he got a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Supervision, University of Iowa, USA, and returned to Taiwan. he received Research Award from the National Science Council with his doctoral dissertation. Then, he participated in the planning of Yingge Senior Vocational School and was selected as the principal. Later, he was served as an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Technology Education at KNU, and also served as the director and doctoral dissertation supervisor. Dr. Chen also has rich experience in academic activities: he once organized the Kaohsiung County teacher life education seminar; Served as editor in chief of the monthly journal of life science and technology education, reviewer of the double Quarterly Journal of secondary education (GPN: 2003800010) (2006), and reviewer of the Journal of Hualien University of education; He is also the founder of the Journal of Industrial Science and Technology Education (gpn1009701237)
陈芳庆博士毕业于高雄师大工业教育系,在南光高中任教一年后,前往台东师专,担任老师两年。为了增进专业能力,他考进台湾师大并取得教育学硕士。硕士论文获国科会研究奖励。他在1995年取得美国爱荷华大学课程与视导博士,博士论文曾获国科会甲种研究奖励。陈博士返台后参与规划台北县莺歌高级工商职业学校,并经遴选为首任校长。 后来,应聘回到他的母校高雄师大担任工业科技教育学系暨研究所副教授,也曾经担任系主任兼所长,并担任博士论文指导教授。 陈博士的学术活动经历也十分丰富:他曾筹办高雄县教师生命教育研习会;担任过生活科技教育月刊主编以及中等教育双季刊 (GPN:2003800010) 审稿(2006)、花莲教育大学学报审稿;也是工业科技教育学刊 (GPN1009701237) 创办人。